Starting this week I’ll begin posting blogs related to my e-book, Encyclopedia Centerpath. See the first post here! Each post will examine a different section of Encyclopedia Centerpath. We’ll start with Chapter 5 related to how humans group since it offers some of the neatest examples of how Centerpath relates to our lives. I think […]
Author: Jin Nua
Make Music, Not War!
Greetings everyone! I’ve found a new hobby… making music! It’s a lot of fun and a nice distraction from writing! Check out my first stab at making noise!
Hone Alone
I hope you find the following excerpt from my book Awaken fun and inspiring. “It’s nearly impossible to ascend mountaintops or journey inward to your heart if you’re continually distracted by others and pop culture. To arrive at new and enlightening destinations, you’ll need to take quiet time for yourself. Sharing and being with others […]
How Does the World Work?
It’s time to test your knowledge of how the world works and is organized! Please send me an e-mail ( indicating your answers. All participants will receive a free copy of my Centerpath Paper entitled “The Centerpath Theory on Language”. Those that get a 100% score will receive a free Centerpath e-book of […]
New Beginnings
To start the new year, a quick reminder of just how important new beginnings are. Please enjoy the following excerpt from my book Heart of Gold. I hope it helps you to raise your experience in 2017 to new levels. “It’s astonishing finding just how much of our existence is created from what are nothing more […]
Winter Rainbows
For those feeling trapped in winter, revolt! Winter is one of the most beautiful and peaceful times of the year! Get outside! Below is another golden nugget from a recent interview with Jin on how to enjoy nature in winter. Question: Living in colder climates can make it especially hard to want to spend time […]
Celebrate in the City
The following excerpt is from a recent interview with Jin on methods city dwellers can use to get closer to nature. Question: For those living in the city with high rises and very little open space, they can feel very disconnected from nature. What are some of the ways city dwellers can reconnect with […]
The Power of Journal Writing
If you want to write a book, movie, or poetry; you need to start keeping a journal. Without a journal; you cannot make significant or meaningful progress toward your goal. It will only remain an idea and never crystallize into a real work. The following passage from my book Awaken succinctly explains the necessity, and […]
I-citizen declares war!
I-citizen declares war on ignorance, greed, and destructiveness. What is i-citizen’s secret weapon? Our hearts and minds! Our soldiers? Today’s youth, whom having inherited a plundered planet, will fight valiantly against the entrenched selfishness and short sightedness of a lost generation. Our lieutenants? Parents and teachers! Tasked with imparting sensibility, holistic thinking, and responsibility in […]
We Must Do Better
If you don’t believe today’s stressed society (two parents working, ‘never enough’ expectations, loss of extended family support, etc.) is not having a real and long term impacts to our children’s mental health and future; check out this highly meaningful VDO. Mixing medical findings, philosophy, and common sense; Gabor Mate explains the real reasons […]