About Jin

Jin’s been ascending higher spiritual planes since his spiritual awakening in 1998. His unique mystical insights; supplemented by his international travel and engineering background, positions him as one of today’s top, emerging spiritual leaders.

I started this blog to share ideas on nature and life, of which I hope you find some new insights and knowledge. Being my life’s work, Centerpath is the natural focus of my blog.

Jin has generated seven spiritual books and three children’s kids books based on his remarkable Centerpath formulization. Click here to learn more about Jin’s books.

Jin’s Centerlife formulization has been described as the most holistic life practice to emerge since Buddhism and Chakras. Based on nature’s harmony generating wisdom, Centerlife provides seekers all they need to improve all elements of their life (click here to learn more about Centerlife).

See Jin’s YouTube Channel for more details of Jin’s ideas and his phenomenal Centerpath and Centerlife formulizations.

Jin resides in Asia. He enjoys art, great ideas, walks in nature, and producing music.

Check out Jin’s CV here!