The Power of Journal Writing

If you want to write a book, movie, or poetry; you need to start keeping a journal. Without a journal; you cannot make significant or meaningful progress toward your goal. It will only remain an idea and never crystallize into a real work.  

The following passage from my book Awaken succinctly explains the necessity, and power of keeping a journal;

There’s no better way to build a new dialogue with the world—and yourself—than keeping a journal.


Think of your journal as a forest floor. As you write things down, you plant seeds of thought that grow into larger ideas. A journal becomes the living tissue from which ideas can interconnect, overlap, and resonate. Like roots spreading in all directions, your ideas become more robust and more widely considered. They can also bifurcate in new and unexpected directions, or at other times, joining with the roots of other trees to merge and cross pollinate into something entirely new.


So, start a journal today and let it help you better discover your world, develop a wider dialogue, interconnect things, and become more aware.

Thus, get notepad and pen today. Write down what you’re thinking –observations of life, yourself, and others. Nuances, insights, and what’s at the edge of your thoughts.

After months (and later years) you will be surprised with what you will have produced…and how much closer you will be toward your dream.

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