Introducing Centerlife!

Hello everyone! I’m very pleased to announce the launch of my new website Centerlife (!
Centerlife is the next phase of Centerpath providing the necessary, life-practice system people can use to put nature’s wisdom in their lives!
I can’t tell you how excited I am to complete this essential initiative. Not only is the site beautiful, it includes hosts of tools you can immediately use to uplift and enhance your life! Check it out!
I hope your Centerlife journey of discovery is as exciting and uplifting as mine was delivering here, to you today!

Free Ebook – Heart of the Universe

Check out a free copy of Jin’s audio book, “Heart of the Universe” at this Utube link:
Discover how nature and life work by journeying to the Heart of the Universe and back.
In the process learn the common thread connecting man, nature, life, society, beauty, truth, ethics, and the divine.

I Am Grateful

I am grateful.

I am grateful for the myriad essential miracles that make life possible…

…I am grateful that subatomic particles somehow came into existence out of nowhere.

…I am grateful that subatomic particles are perfectly configured such that they’re able to combine and form into nucleons and electrons.

…I am grateful that nucleons and electrons were somehow flawlessly arranged such that they could join to form the basic atoms of Hydrogen and Helium.

…I am grateful for the nuclear fusion reaction at the center of suns which transforms Hydrogen and Helium atoms into ever heavier atoms.

…I am grateful for atoms mingling in innumerable combinations to produce molecules.

…I am grateful for molecules which combine in beneficial and gregarious combinations to form macromolecules.

…I am grateful macromolecules further combine into amino acids and subsequently, into DNA and proteins.

…I am grateful for how all of the above magic-like miracles combine into the incredible machinery that are cells.

…I am grateful cells combine into tissues, then organs, then organ systems, and then entire organisms such as you and me.

…I am grateful for the highly improbable conscious thought residing in my mind. It granting me the miracle of looking back on and marveling over the universe that brought it into being.

…I am grateful for every moment of every day; for the innumerable layers, intricacies, interrelations, and dimensions needed to make life possible.

…I am grateful I can recognize my place in the jigsaw puzzle of being. That I am but a miniscule yet mighty part of much larger things operating within me and outside me.

…I am grateful to recognize and live the above. To witness and experience it. To articulate it and share it.

…I am grateful to recognize the divine and draw great solace from the many miracles that make life possible.

I am indeed grateful for the myriad miracles that make life possible.

What Are You Waiting For?

You will never find true wisdom or inner peace without a better understanding of life, nature, and the divine.
A new pathway has been lit to these bastions of true ‘wealth’.
What are you waiting for?


Who doesn’t love crystals? Their power and allure are irresistible.

Spiritual seekers use them to invoke the hidden forces of the universe. Fashion goers use jewelry as the ultimate expression of beauty. And we all remember the thrill of breaking open our first rock and finding the sparkling, crystal treasure at its core.

From a Centerpath perspective, it’s satisfying to know these lovely creations are formed almost exclusively in center-oriented patterns about centers.

Of the main patterns, the most prominent is the body-centered cubic which can be readily viewed on a grand scale at the Atomia display in Brussels (see image below).

The significance of this shape can’t be overstated.

For just like atoms and cells combining to form molecules and tissues respectively; body-centered cubic’s form the basic ‘unit cell’ for practically all metallic and crystalline structures.

Stacked in innumerable, overlapping lattice structures, body-centered cubic’s combine to form the larger structures of rocks, stones, and crystals. They also from the many metallic structures which form the backbone of society such as cars, furniture, buildings, airplanes, etc.

Centers at the heart of crystals and our hearts!

Learn more about the power of centers through Centerpath.