Deep dives into the nature of being
Celebrate in the City
We Must Do Better
If you don’t believe today’s stressed society (two parents working, ‘never enough’ expectations, loss of extended family support, etc.) is not having a real and long term impacts to our children’s mental health and future; check out this highly meaningful VDO.
Mixing medical findings, philosophy, and common sense; Gabor Mate explains the real reasons why society is ailing and how it’s effecting the neural development of our children….
Besides praising Mate’s genius, I also praise the brave ‘stay at home moms and dads’ for the truly noble and worthwhile contribution to not only their children, but also humanity’s future at large. Bravo!
The VDO is 40 minutes and takes concentration but it is infinitely worth it.
The Brawn of Branching
The following is an excerpt from my book “Centerpath Mandalas”. It’s got some pretty cool insights on the nature of being but also how your life fits into nature’s grand mosaic of being. I invite you to check it out.
It’s little surprise Buddha gained his awareness under the Bodi tree. For residing in their the sprawling geometry lie all the necessary clues toward understanding the various mysteries of the universe.
In fact Nature utilizes the wisdom of branching systems having fully capitalized on the robust and efficient form of arterial branching systems in her many natural, biological, and manmade creations. Trees, leaves, lungs, veins, arteries, skeletal systems, roots, rivers, family trees, organizational charts, parking lots, computer ‘folder based’ directory systems, roads and highways, all fall within the definition of branching arterial systems as the following Merriam Webster Dictionary definition attests “a natural subdivision of a plant stem; especially a secondary shoot or stem (as a bough) arising from a main or center axis”.
Also readily apparent in the form of branching is their dualistic nature –a characteristic dear to the universe. For across the tree’s center reside the dualistic upper branches and the lower. Forming a mirror image across the earth’s surface, these equal opposite counterparts complement one another with roots providing the anchor from which the upper portion can expand into space. The lower half providing the water and raw ingredients necessary for the upper half’s leaves to produce the necessary glucose (sugar) to grow the tree further upward and downward.
Finally through a tree’s seedling we can instantly recognize where all things begin –i.e. centers –and also see how beginning and ends are so intimately tied together. For from the seedling that began at the base of its main trunk, to the end point of its smallest branches where it flowers to produce the next generation seed that again falls to the ground, the cycle of life is perpetuated in the most splendid of ways.
You a Great Tree
See yourself rooted in the ground. Strongly anchored, deeply grounded, and in touch with the world and reality.
Through your veins stream water and nutrients –rivers as great and mighty as the mightiest delivering and distributing the stuff necessary to sustain life to all corners of your body. The various arterial branching systems of bone, nerves, muscle, vein, and artery working together to harmonize your body into a much greater whole that is you.
Now turn heavenward and feel the air and sunlight streaming though and into you. In touch with what is divine and magical you are a sentinel being as light as the ether and as free and free-spirited as the air and heaven above.
Dialogue with the Universe – How to be Happy
Be happy!
Follow Your Heart!
Listen to your inner voice, it has all the wisdom you’ll ever need.
Stop thinking you know everything!
Have faith in your natural intuition versus simply accepting society’s definition of what is important and right.
Slow your life. Walk in nature. Surround yourself with high art. Reflect more.
Get away from your television and I-device. Don’t believe in what you’ve been told. Accept that you don’t know everything and need to open your mind to other possibilities.
Write out your new direction (by hand) on a piece of paper.
Sit down at a table. Get a piece of paper and a pen. Write.
Say to yourself you will make and take the time today.
Read this message again and again until you take action—and take the first step toward being happy.
Time Stand Still
Our Lives are Inexplicably Connected to Nature
What to take away from Centerpath? This is what Jin hopes for (as excerpted from his Centerpath website at
Jin hopes readers’ find great solace discovering just how closely their lives are linked to nature. A connection sadly obscured by the hustle and bustle of modern society and its never ending need for more-and-more. In some small way, Centerpath hopes to restore the good and necessary relationship with share with nature.
Jin also hopes Centerpath’s ideas rejuvenate enthusiasm towards the mysterious and magnificent ways of the universe. To this end, Centerpath provides readers many avenues to explore nature and reacquaint with her. Those on the Centerpath might even discover their place in the great jigsaw puzzle of being –and possibly reexamine his or her role in it.
In such a brave new world, we begin seeing our true role in the universe’s larger web of relationships. Ultimately becoming more sensible and mindful participants in nature’s delightful dance of being we are so blessed to experience and enjoy.
Unconditional Love
The greatest journey you could ever hope to undertake in this wonderful lifetime is along a path little travelled. It’s not a journey in the sense most expect. It is not the ascension of a mountain or an overseas adventure. But it’s one that can take you to any place you’ve imagined or dreamed about—and possibly deliver you to your destiny.
In fact, the greatest journey any of us can hope to traverse is not to a place on the outside—but instead inward toward your heart and toward rediscovering what it wants.
For in a universe that only wants to create more beauty and harmony—and appears to reward those things of the purest intent—rediscovering what your heart wants and following its true love can bring with it untold delights and treasures, and uncover your reason for being here.
For as you see, love is the purest of all emotions and in its true expression is unconditional. It accepts things as they are and does not try to push things about or unduly change them. Pure love does not distort things.
What is Philosophy?
Today a subscriber asked me to define philosophy. A great but very tough question. I was stumped at first.
But after a several dumbfounded moments it became clear—at least to me–philosophy is the art/practice of asking “why” (i.e. trying to understand why things are the way they are).
Checking the Oxford Dictionary Definition (which is “the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence”) I knew my interpretation was largely on the right track.
Long live the art of philosophy—the wondering, awe, and questioning of all things.