Our Lives are Inexplicably Connected to Nature

What to take away from Centerpath? This is what Jin hopes for (as excerpted from his Centerpath website at http://www.centerpath.org/about-us/).

Jin hopes readers’ find great solace discovering just how closely their lives are linked to nature. A connection sadly obscured by the hustle and bustle of modern society and its never ending need for more-and-more. In some small way, Centerpath hopes to restore the good and necessary relationship with share with nature.


Jin also hopes Centerpath’s ideas rejuvenate enthusiasm towards the mysterious and magnificent ways of the universe. To this end, Centerpath provides readers many avenues to explore nature and reacquaint with her. Those on the Centerpath might even discover their place in the great jigsaw puzzle of being –and possibly reexamine his or her role in it.


In such a brave new world, we begin seeing our true role in the universe’s larger web of relationships. Ultimately becoming more sensible and mindful participants in nature’s delightful dance of being we are so blessed to experience and enjoy.

Unconditional Love

The greatest journey you could ever hope to undertake in this wonderful lifetime is along a path little travelled. It’s not a journey in the sense most expect. It is not the ascension of a mountain or an overseas adventure. But it’s one that can take you to any place you’ve imagined or dreamed about—and possibly deliver you to your destiny.

In fact, the greatest journey any of us can hope to traverse is not to a place on the outside—but instead inward toward your heart and toward rediscovering what it wants.

For in a universe that only wants to create more beauty and harmony—and appears to reward those things of the purest intent—rediscovering what your heart wants and following its true love can bring with it untold delights and treasures, and uncover your reason for being here.

For as you see, love is the purest of all emotions and in its true expression is unconditional. It accepts things as they are and does not try to push things about or unduly change them. Pure love does not distort things.


Circumstances are indeed important.
Parents, environment, disposition, siblings, nation/region/state/local, influences, the paths you choose, the paths you declined, the paths you ignored, what you felt was embarrassing, what you thought was cool, what you watched, how you spent your time, how much you listened versus how much you talked. How many great ideas and art crossed your path. The things your unique trajectory through time and space exposed you to.
Staggeringly random yet delightfully one’s own.

A Single Solution to Life

A million opinions on how to live life but none are full or complete.

One can spend their whole life investigating the various ideas which, while always providing some insights, all miss the essential point—-there is in fact a single, reliable roadmap to life.

What is this pathway? What is the secret? It’s simple—-follow your heart!

Seize the Day – Seize the Now

The true meaning of the phrase “Seize the Day” has unfortunately been hijacked by wild eyed capitalist as their rallying cry to signify gaining more and more, winning and never losing, eating another before being eaten, being a bigger boss, and beating others.

However that is a desecration of its intended meaning. Indeed far from trying to convey beating others down; the term ‘carpe diem’ (i.e. seize the day) is intended to emphasize the importance of living in the here and now, and making the most out of the magical experience of being.

To give all you can to life, to today, to being, to pursuing your dreams, to working toward making something truly extraordinary out of this experience of being.

To grow, give, love, help others, try your best, be courageous, find the divine in the mundane, and witness the magic of being. To pay homage to the blessed ability to reflect, share, know, wonder, and experience this truly miraculous state of being–conscious life and being,

Indeed–seize the day–not through short minded/narrow mindsets but through being sensible, mindful, and focused on life, love, others, nature, and being.

Why Are We Here?

“Why are we here? Because we’re here…Roll the Bones”–Neil Peart

Some one asked me “Is there any purpose to our lives? Is there a reason we’re here? ”

I could only reply, “nobody knows for sure but even without knowing, simply having the opportunity to experience this miraculous state of being removes any worries or doubts as to if its worth it.

Life, nature, beauty, food, pleasure, wonder, music, love, children, memories, knowing, sweet emotion, etc. etc.–makes it all exceedingly worthwhile and meaningful.

Roll the bones indeed!

Defining Humanity

Woman define humanity. It can’t get any more essential–and wonderfully empowering than that.

Indeed it’s mothers and wives that define what is important to sons, husbands, and daughters…

If women speak out that nature, compassion, and living in balance are important; humanity will follow.

If they instead hold career, getting ahead, and gaining more stuff than others as most important; so goes humanity.

Thus the first step towards implementing real and lasting change must be taken by women. They again recognizing the divine significance of the principle that’s there’s exclusively–and largely dismiss as valuable today, even by themselves–femininity.

The real, right, divine, and enduring super power bringing balance to all things.

The essential quality woefully lacking in modern humanity–and one only woman can bring back to the forefront through their words, actions, preaching’s, and deeds.

Cells of Society

Like cells to an organ, ants to a hive, and stars to a galaxy; we as individuals form the necessary, worker bee ‘components’ of the larger organism that is society.

Constructing its structures–its roads, buildings, desks, and bottles of wine; what we create, while exceedingly complex, serves the same function as nature’s other creations–fulfilling a need of a larger organism–in our case–the flock human.

Gatekeepers of Humanity

Woman have a corner on life’s greatest pleasures (food, children, beauty, fashion, grace, human connection etc.). They are truly the gate keepers of humanity.

Thank goodness! Could you imagine what men would do with these precious commodities if they controlled them?!

First they would exploit them, than fight over them, and then destroy them!

Thank goodness woman were granted this divine power.

Life’s Biggest Struggle…Me

Of the many challenges in life it was me–myself, I–my ego; that proved the greatest challenge.

Getting over my hurt feelings. Getting past my need for recognition and self-importance. Getting myself out of the middle of every discussion, subject, relationship, and group gathering. Stopping myself from being a selfish and petty cheat.

When we overcome ourselves, we’ve already conquered 90% of life’s challenges.