
Beautiful always takes you higher, ugliness always takes you lower..

Beauty is an uplifting force, like a crest or crown..
Ugliness pulls downward, towards a shadow and trough..
Grace however always keeps you balanced..
Grace is the effortless poise between opposites—an unforced harmony that moves through both beauty and ugliness without being trapped by either..
Beauty lifts, ugliness lowers, but grace holds the center—an equilibrium between ascent and descent..
It’s the calm at the center of the storm, suns preventing planets from spinning out into space, and the gentle voice urging us to do the right thing when we wake..
In spiritual terms, grace is often seen as a gift. Something given freely, without expectation, allowing flow where resistance might otherwise build..
If beauty takes you higher and ugliness takes you lower, grace is the ability to move through both without attachment, remaining steady whether you rise or fall..
By Boone (Jin’s Partner in Centering Crimes!)


Following on from my Haden Institute Presentation (entitled ‘Building A Deeper Spirituality Through Nature’), I developed a set of worksheets to further advance the goals of the lecture.

So, print out the forms in the link below, get into nature, and use nature’s language to progressively get closer to her, increase your spirituality, and build more meaning in your life!



EXCERPT FROM MY SITE ON NATURE’S LANGUAGE: Like human language, which is comprised of symbols and pattern, nature’s patterns of creation form a language we can use to communicate with her. This is indeed very significant. A language to communicate with nature affords us a means to engage and communicate with her. To build a dialogue, relationship, and deeper connection with her all big steps towards better understanding the world and thereby raising one’s spiritual quotient. Use this pdf wonderful worksheet to learn nature’s language! My recommendation is to print the files out and study them during walks in nature.

10 Ways Purity Can Change Your Life

Nature, like all great spiritual and religious traditions that have followed in her footsteps, instills purity in all her starting points to ensure that the overall creation is equally well-balanced and well-formed.

Continuing in this mighty tradition, use this modern day Centerlife equivalent to discover fresh and practical means to employ purity to uplift and enhance your life! You can also download a pdf file at this link.

10 Ways to Become Centered

Use these new and practical methods to become more centered and thereby calmer, happier, and more focused!

Or Download the .pdf File Here:

10 Ways to Become Centered – Jin Nua Teachings

10 Ways To Become Centered

“A long, deep breath is the equivalent of a full stop and the key to centering”

-Eric Maisel

Centering brings a host of untold benefits including peace of mind, increased clarity, a broader view, and an amplified ability to focus and apply one’s intentions.

Jin Nua, acclaimed speaker and author of the Centerlife Book Series, shows that while most focus on the classic techniques of yoga and meditation, there are in fact many alternative means to center yourself in your weekly routine.

6th Annual Int’l Conf on Spirituality and Psychology

I was honoured again to speak at the “International Conference on Spirituality and Psychology” which occurred on 13-Mar-2021 (my presentation can be viewed at this link):

Even though virtual this year, the conference was a rousing success on many levels!

A big hat’s off to organizers for hosting such a meaningful and highly successful conference. Spirituality and psychology remain the most significant disciplines towards improving the human condition thus this forum is of utmost significance!


In addition to supporting the organizers as a committee member I will also joined as a panel speaker for the panel discussion which can be viewed at this link:

6th Annual International Conference on Spirituality and Health


I am excited to announce I will be supporting the “6th Annual International Conference on Spirituality and Health” as a committee member.

This year’s conference will be virtual and occur between 13-15 March 2021.This year’s conference theme is “Reframing, Rebuilding, Reconnecting” and will include a host of international experts in psychology and spirituality delivering many diverse and excellent topics.