10 Ways Purity Can Change Your Life

Nature, like all great spiritual and religious traditions that have followed in her footsteps, instills purity in all her starting points to ensure that the overall creation is equally well-balanced and well-formed.

Continuing in this mighty tradition, use this modern day Centerlife equivalent to discover fresh and practical means to employ purity to uplift and enhance your life! You can also download a pdf file at this link.

I Am Grateful

I am grateful.

I am grateful for the myriad essential miracles that make life possible…

…I am grateful that subatomic particles somehow came into existence out of nowhere.

…I am grateful that subatomic particles are perfectly configured such that they’re able to combine and form into nucleons and electrons.

…I am grateful that nucleons and electrons were somehow flawlessly arranged such that they could join to form the basic atoms of Hydrogen and Helium.

…I am grateful for the nuclear fusion reaction at the center of suns which transforms Hydrogen and Helium atoms into ever heavier atoms.

…I am grateful for atoms mingling in innumerable combinations to produce molecules.

…I am grateful for molecules which combine in beneficial and gregarious combinations to form macromolecules.

…I am grateful macromolecules further combine into amino acids and subsequently, into DNA and proteins.

…I am grateful for how all of the above magic-like miracles combine into the incredible machinery that are cells.

…I am grateful cells combine into tissues, then organs, then organ systems, and then entire organisms such as you and me.

…I am grateful for the highly improbable conscious thought residing in my mind. It granting me the miracle of looking back on and marveling over the universe that brought it into being.

…I am grateful for every moment of every day; for the innumerable layers, intricacies, interrelations, and dimensions needed to make life possible.

…I am grateful I can recognize my place in the jigsaw puzzle of being. That I am but a miniscule yet mighty part of much larger things operating within me and outside me.

…I am grateful to recognize and live the above. To witness and experience it. To articulate it and share it.

…I am grateful to recognize the divine and draw great solace from the many miracles that make life possible.

I am indeed grateful for the myriad miracles that make life possible.

Feeling Grateful to a Great Universe

We should feel grateful. Thankful for the order, harmony, and beauty streaming throughout the universe!
In the brilliant radiance of flowers, rainbows and sunsets, sparkling glaciers, temples, and infinite stars on a moonless night.
In all the billions of miracles occurring simultaneously in our bodies every moment.
In crystals, a mother’s patience, waterfalls, mountain vistas, Van Gogh’s skies, and the bliss in a child’s face.
God’s smile shining brightly through all her lovely creations!
Jin Nua

Find Meaning…Through the Heart of All Things

Everything does have a center—atoms, cells, sentences, societies, and solar systems.

Through understanding this essential quality of being you can learn untold wisdoms, and naturally uplift and enhance your experience of life.
If you like this E-card, please forward to family and friends so that they can also glean this vital wisdom.


Unconditional Love

The greatest journey you could ever hope to undertake in this wonderful lifetime is along a path little travelled. It’s not a journey in the sense most expect. It is not the ascension of a mountain or an overseas adventure. But it’s one that can take you to any place you’ve imagined or dreamed about—and possibly deliver you to your destiny.

In fact, the greatest journey any of us can hope to traverse is not to a place on the outside—but instead inward toward your heart and toward rediscovering what it wants.

For in a universe that only wants to create more beauty and harmony—and appears to reward those things of the purest intent—rediscovering what your heart wants and following its true love can bring with it untold delights and treasures, and uncover your reason for being here.

For as you see, love is the purest of all emotions and in its true expression is unconditional. It accepts things as they are and does not try to push things about or unduly change them. Pure love does not distort things.