How to Save the World? One Heart at a Time!

So many valiant attempts to save the world and our souls. Doctrines, ideas, manifestos, and heartfelt attempts–all ultimately well-intended but none have fully succeeded.

The reasons are many and therein lies the roots of their failure. They glossed over the simple truth there are higher order things in the universe–and they all spring from nature herself.

Balance, symmetry, purity, holism, and collaborative relationships; are the features of nature. As we derive from nature our disposition is the same–we seek higher planes being. It’s just that we’ve been ‘ruined’ by parts of our psyche that seek to gain advantage without consideration for anything else. In this condition we are bound for failure as greed, selfishness, winning, pride, and ignorance take hold and we increasingly become lost at sea.

i-Citizen seeks to reverse today’s red tide by simply instilling goodness, truth, balance, and holism, and collaborative relations back into the heart and soul of men and the its institutions. Redeeming our souls, and simultaneously saving the planet, one beautiful act at a time.

What is iC?



Centerpath History Made!

Centerpath’s first official seminar occurred last Thursday at the Hive in Bangkok. It was a wonderful evening—and what a fantastic crowd of spiritual seers attended!

We discussed how order, beauty, and harmony arise in nature. We discussed how our lives are patterned in the same way as nature—and how through understanding this connection; we’re able to put nature’s wisdom to good work in our lives.

The Centerpath revolution has begun and is gaining momentum–one heart at a time.

Centerpath Presentation – Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Life, and Happiness

I’m pleased to announce my upcoming FREE seminar at the Hive on Thursday, 21-Sep-17 at 7 p.m.

If you want to learn more about the universe and life…if you want to put nature’s wisdoms to work in your life…if you want to begin your life afresh…if you want to be happy…than Centerpath is for you.

Through its simple yet wide ranging, Centerpath promises to heal our weary hearts and elevate our experience to higher planes of being. Come join the Centerpath Spiritual Revolution!

See you at The Hive!

Click on the image below for more details on the seminar.

New Kid’s Book – Raindrops


I’m excited to announce the completion of my second children’s book entitled “Raindrops”!

Raindrops is fun and unique. It examines the parallels between the human life cycle and the atmosphere’s water-vapor cycle.

Set against the backdrop of flowing down the river of life, Raindrops examines the changes, delights, and challenges we experience as we traverse life’s wonderful journey.

Like my other kid’s book “A Walk on the Beach”, you can view excerpts of Raindrops at this following link.

Fun stuff!


Find Meaning…Through the Heart of All Things

Everything does have a center—atoms, cells, sentences, societies, and solar systems.

Through understanding this essential quality of being you can learn untold wisdoms, and naturally uplift and enhance your experience of life.
If you like this E-card, please forward to family and friends so that they can also glean this vital wisdom.


The Shape of the Core

Protons and neutrons are not what you think. They are not simple spherical ‘balls’ as most suspect.

Protons and nucleons are actually comprised of dense cloud of particles (both real and virtual) keyed to a deeply attractive, void-like center perpetuating the swarm as the following passage from Fritjof Capra’s book the Tao of Physics succinctly describes.

“nucleons are, in fact, emitting and absorbing virtual particles all the time. According to field theory, they have to be regarded as centers of continuous activity surrounded by clouds of virtual particles”

And though we tend to associate chaos with the term swarm, the relationships amongst subatomic particles is in fact highly organized and symmetrical. Known as Meson symmetry, the accompanying diagrams depicts the dualistically arranged almost fulcrum-like arrangement of particles about their center.







 It’s interesting to note the Meson Symmetry figure closely resembles Taoism’s I Ching symbol intended to represent the natural order of things which, incredibly enough was developed thousands of years before the tools of science were sophisticated enough to detect the minute details of subatomic particles!

How to Build a Nuclear Family

There’s deeper meaning to the phrase ‘nuclear family’ than most expect. For not only does the term accurately describe the shape of families—i.e. children circling about their parents, we’re also able to glean a host of additional insights to family dynamics through an atom’s internal relationships.

Take for instance what nucleons at the heart of an atom tell us about the relationship of husband and wife at the core of a family. In this instance ‘man and woman’ come together in powerful bonds of love (whose mighty bond is reflected in the contract and social expectations of marriage), not much unlike the incredible forces that bind protons and neutrons at the center of an atom.

And like the incredible nuclear force that bonds protons and neutrons, the bond of love is very powerful keeping us aligned, yearning, and drawn towards one another. So strong in fact, that breaking the bonds of marriage through a divorce can feel as volatile as the feiry released when atoms are split in a nuclear blast!

Further insights toward bolstering one’s marriage comes from the incredible spatial relationship between neutrons and protons at the core of atoms. Here the nuclear force serves to maintain neutrons and protons at exactly the ‘right’ distance apart—repulsing them if they get too close together and likewise, attracting them if they get too far apart.

This phenomena exactly reflects the sentiments of the lyrics “hold on loosely, but never let go. If you cling too tightly, you’ll lose control” which describes balanced relationships as maintaining just the right ‘distance’. An illuminating atomic parallel for those wishing to keep their relationship in check!

A great example of center dynamics organizing nature and man in the same ways!