Begin Your Centerlife Journey Today!

The cornerstone of Centerlife is Seven Pillars, a life practice based on nature’s harmony-generating wisdom. Use each of the Seven Pillars to strengthen and enhance the prime centers of your life and thereby improve and uplift your overall life. Get started today here!

Introducing Centerlife!

Hello everyone! I’m very pleased to announce the launch of my new website Centerlife (!   Centerlife is the next phase of Centerpath providing the necessary, life-practice system people can use to put nature’s wisdom in their lives!   I can’t tell you how excited I am to complete this essential initiative. Not only is […]

Free Ebook – Heart of the Universe

Check out a free copy of Jin’s audio book, “Heart of the Universe” at this Utube link:   Discover how nature and life work by journeying to the Heart of the Universe and back.   In the process learn the common thread connecting man, nature, life, society, beauty, truth, ethics, and the divine.

I Am Grateful

I am grateful. I am grateful for the myriad essential miracles that make life possible… …I am grateful that subatomic particles somehow came into existence out of nowhere. …I am grateful that subatomic particles are perfectly configured such that they’re able to combine and form into nucleons and electrons. …I am grateful that nucleons and […]

What Are You Waiting For?

You will never find true wisdom or inner peace without a better understanding of life, nature, and the divine.   A new pathway has been lit to these bastions of true ‘wealth’.   What are you waiting for?