10 Ways to Become Centered

Use these new and practical methods to become more centered and thereby calmer, happier, and more focused! Or Download the .pdf File Here: 10 Ways to Become Centered – Jin Nua Teachings 10 Ways To Become Centered “A long, deep breath is the equivalent of a full stop and the key to centering” -Eric Maisel […]

6th Annual Int’l Conf on Spirituality and Psychology

I was honoured again to speak at the “International Conference on Spirituality and Psychology” which occurred on 13-Mar-2021 (my presentation can be viewed at this link): Even though virtual this year, the conference was a rousing success on many levels! A big hat’s off to organizers for hosting such a meaningful and highly successful conference. […]

From Flat to Spherical

Hold the press! Cosmologist have just rewritten a colossal part of their history books! Whereas they’ve believed the universe was ‘flat’ for decades, recent findings caused them to firmly shift their belief that it’s not flat, but instead shaped as a sphere! See this article ( New Research Suggests that the Universe is a Sphere […]

6th Annual International Conference on Spirituality and Health

All, I am excited to announce I will be supporting the “6th Annual International Conference on Spirituality and Health” as a committee member. This year’s conference will be virtual and occur between 13-15 March 2021.This year’s conference theme is “Reframing, Rebuilding, Reconnecting” and will include a host of international experts in psychology and spirituality delivering […]

Article in Kindred Spirit Magazine

Kindred Spirit magazine just published an article I wrote on how spending more time in nature not only increases your spirituality quotient, but might also lead to a spiritual awakening. Download the full article as a .pdf from the following link. http://jinnuablog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Kindrerd-Spirit-Magazine-Aug-Oct-2020-Jin-Nua-Article.pdf BTW–Kindred Spirit is a wonderful magazine covering a large range of topics related […]