Deep dives into the nature of being
Living in the Here and Now
Do we have a Soul?
Do we have a soul? Now there’s proof.
Happy 2018!
To start the new year, a quick reminder of just how important beginnings are. Remember all things return to their source so start all things right!
Please enjoy the following excerpt from my book Heart of Gold. It’s a thick/dense read but worth the effort! I hope it helps you to raise your experience in 2018 to new levels of understanding and bliss.
“Real joy comes from discovering how much our lives are intricately linked with nature’s grand designs.
For me personally, one such stirring discovery was coming to realize just how deeply nature’s cycle of returning all things to their source was embedded in my life.
For instance how the same forces driving plants to produce seedlings, proteins to migrate to their originating DNA, salmon to journey thousands of miles to their spawning grounds, and stars to collapse back to the same gravitational center where they began were also the same forces molding my life—such as why rituals unfolded toward their originating purpose, why conflicts only reached resolution when the instigating event was confronted, and why we’re all irresistibly drawn to be buried in our hometowns.
Realizing just how much my own life approximated nature’s events, I gained great insights into how my life fit into nature’s grand jigsaw puzzle.
Nature’s trick of implementing this rhythm into its day-to-day business is once again linked to its creative process. Specifically, this timeless flow is linked to the relationship of a developing creation’s parts to their originating center. You’ll remember from Heart of the Universe how centers create fields and fields generate well shapes. Further, those things caught in the grips of the well become aligned and attracted toward the center.
In the cases where the well’s walls are steep enough, the surrounding parts will actually fall inward and downwards toward their originating centers. They may even come into contact with the center. The creative force’s full cycle expression causes things to come into contact with their originator; in other words, to return to their source!
In a perfect kind of harmony, nature keeps all things true to where they began, forever linking and ultimately drawing them back toward their source. All things do meet their Maker.
The ramifications to our lives are profound. The conditions surrounding the points of inception in our lives are paramount. They are always present in our current lives and will always come back to us. In other words, all the creations of our lives never escape their roots; they are forever linked to and a whole byproduct of the place where they began. We are accountable for everything we do.
Thus, as you go about the various acts of your life—thoughts, a conversation, new initiatives, relationships, hopes, desires, and dreams—always strive to make them as fine and balanced as possible. Approach, interact with, and begin all things with only the highest order of truth, love, kindness, and compassion. By doing so, you’ll have given all things their best possible start, and the best chance of returning to you in similarly beautiful form as something you can be proud of and, over time, defining you the person and how you’ll be remembered.”…/books-by-jin/…/heart-of-gold/
Feeling Grateful to a Great Universe
The Magic of Now
Be the Universe!
Let Centerpath show you how to produce a masterpiece!
Wanderlust Interview
Centerpath Seminar at Aquarius Books
Jin hosted a Centerpath seminar last Saturday at Aquarius Books in Kansas City Missouri.
A fantastic crowd of spiritual souls joined in a delightful discussion on how nature raises order and harmony—and how we can put her wisdom to work in our lives.
Thanks to Barbara for the great arrangements and to the crowd for their spirited engagement!