I guess the only remaining question is–“what in the universe is not beautiful?”
Deep dives into the nature of being
Centerpath 101 – Centers Unite Larger Things
As Centerpath teaches, an essential function of centers is to unite hosts of ‘things’ into larger, cohesive organizations.
This phenomenon is especially evident in large-scale human groupings where a single, central symbol can serve to unite 100’s of millions of people.
Nowhere is this more apparent than at the entrance to the Forbidden City at the heart of Beijing where a huge portrait of Mao resides (see image below).
While standing there viewing the portrait, you can almost feel the hearts of 1.4 billion people come together as one—united in the shared image of their iconic leader at the core of their collective psyche.
A powerful experience made even more meaningful, through a basic knowledge of Centerpath!
If you want to learn more about how centers unite all sorts of things (including flocks, families, teams, corporations, armies, nations, and your life) you’ll need to spend some time with Centerpath.
Check out my blog to find how to get started at: http://jinnuablog.com/index.php/a-jin-welcome/the-essentials/.
Reconnect with your Inner Core…Thru Centerpath
Learn how thru recognizing nature’s centers, you can reconnect with your true self…and possibly obtain higher awareness.
Click here to find out more!
Centerpath Presentation – 3rd Annual Conference on Spirituality and Psychology
I was honored to speak at the 3rd Annual Conference on Spirituality and Psychology in Bangkok on 14-Mar-18. My presentation was entitled. “Centerpath, A New Metaphysical Description of Being”.
A wide cross-section of international experts in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, holistic medicine, religion, and spiritualism were in attendance.
It was rare treat to sit amongst a group of such talented, open minded, intellectual, and spiritually charged professionals.
I learned a great many new insights. Not only, the highly interactive Q&A following my presentation let me know the ideas of Centerpath resonate with a wide range of professions which is always a satisfying experience.
A great day for spirituality and for Centerpath!
You Can to Anything…if You Try!
Find Out What Centerpath Means to You
Something Great
The History of the Universe (in under three minutes!)
The History of the Universe (in under three minutes!)
Check this awesome shape shifter VDO showing how centers organize nature’s grand mosaic of being!
From the big bang, to atoms, to galaxies, solar systems, cells, cities, and societies. All organize about a domineering and originating center.
The Wisdom of Waves
The Wisdom of Waves
Learn how the world and your life work through waves!
Answers to Life’s Biggest Questions
What is the meaning of life? Do we have a destiny? How can I know I am making good decision? etc. etc.
Each of us has a lot of questions—now we can find answers.
Watch this wonderful Q&A with Jin to find tangible answers to life’s greatest questions.
If you want to amplify the effects of this deeply insightful VDO, take a walk in nature while listening to it to ensure maximum absorption of its beautiful messages.