Article in Kindred Spirit Magazine

Kindred Spirit magazine just published an article I wrote on how spending more time in nature not only increases your spirituality quotient, but might also lead to a spiritual awakening.

Download the full article as a .pdf from the following link.

BTW–Kindred Spirit is a wonderful magazine covering a large range of topics related to balanced living, wellness, and spiritualty. Check them out at

On the Centerpath…

Find your true self on the centerPath; nature self art science freedom; outside the human world; the temple of the heart; beyond the human centered world into the worlds of nature and art on your way to the heart of the universe;

connections; increasing order; increasing harmony; increasing beauty; connect art science nature and mind; use the mind to find the connections underlying all things; follow the flow pattern toward the center;

align; alignment; shed your mental baggage and become freer and freer as you approach the center Heart; become a little child again regain your senses of wonder delight curiosity as you walk the path of jin nua;

become who you are; who are you? you are heart and way; are you centered?… this is the way to the heart… centering;

the quickening; the gathering; the greater path; the higher path; the deeper path; the centerPath;

beauty is a fractal; no matter deep you look you find finer and finer beauty; harmony is fractal; no matter how far you ride the horse with no name, harmony after harmony after harmony; centers are fractal; follow the centers as they quicken and gather around the heart;

more than random chaos; more than empty nothingness; pure heart, golden centerPath;

–Benjamin Booneshaft

Center Everyday

While most focus on the classic techniques of yoga and meditation to center themselves, there are in fact many alternative ways to center your mind through our day-to-day routines and by just getting closer to nature.

In our daily routines you can accomplish the goal by fully focusing on the task at hand. Whether playing with your children, undertaking a hobby, playing music, or simply doing the dishes; directing your utmost attention to the space and time before you brings you closer to the moment, others, and yourself. You will become more centered and peaceful.

Being in and around nature accomplishes the same goal (see for yourself via studies like this: ).

Some of my favorite nature-focused activities include;

— Rock Balancing:

— Sand Art:

— Forest Bathing:

— Bonsai:

— Walk in a Labyrinth:

— Nature and the Meaning of Life: Walk in nature and listen to this VDO on the Meaning of Life:

— Visit the Heart of the Universe:

Rock balancing image courtesy Michael Grab

Tedx Talk to Be!

Almost got a TedxTalk slot at Cornell University (however didn’t make the final cut). In either event, you can view the pitch I submitted to Cornell in the link below which goes a long way in explaining how Centerlife was discovered, how it works, and how to apply it to our lives.

MBS Conference Feb 2020

I was lucky to speak at the Mind Body Spirit conference in Bangkok in late February 2020. It was a great day full of talk of beauty, balance, harmony, and hope. I love nothing more than sharing Centerlife with others and (hopefully) giving them some new insights to nature and life!

West Meets East

A modern day equivalent to the Eastern thought systems of Zen, Taoism, and Confucianism; the combined systems of Centerpath, Centerlife, and i-Citizen form the necessary framework to guide our thoughts, model our lives, and govern our societies.

One with the Universe

Wow! I can’t help but love this great book review by Diane Donovan!
Centerlife: Finding Happiness Through Nature’s Designs is more than a book: it’s a spiritual practice that considers order in nature, how this translates to human affairs, and how nature not only raises harmony, but can be used as a model for achieving the same throughout human endeavors.

Like its subject, Centerlife is laid out in an orderly series of discussions on harmony in nature and exactly how this is achieved. The foundation of Nua’s contentions lies in the fact that everything shares a common, unifying structure; and that this center-oriented pattern and process transforms randomness to create structure from seemingly-random events.

These ‘centerfields’ are not just limited to the outdoors, but are broadcast everywhere throughout the universe, providing an arrangement that orders all life. While this contention may at first appear quite basic, consider the fact that the idea of a ‘Centerpath effect’ can be seen in everything from geometric order in nature to the patterns of galaxies and their distributions and vortexes.

Jin Nua excels in linking microcosm and macrocosm as he explores the Centerlife thesis. Readers who open the book expecting it to be a cosmic engagement will be pleased to note that discussions move from universal structures to everyday human affairs: “What are the control centers guiding our day-to-day routines? There are many. They are the numerous beginnings and starts of our lives. Such things as new thoughts, experiences, interactions, and initiatives. They are also centers of mind related to our needs, wants, and desires. All dew drop-like seeds of the universe that once formed, grow into the larger creations of our being—our relationships, houses, families, the furnishings and products we buy, destinies, and the memories we form in others. They all reflect the disposition of their maker—i.e. you. You being who you are deep down inside—what you believe in and what you hold as dear and important.”

As discussions move into cosmic links and perspectives, readers receive a blend of science, philosophy, and spirituality that comes full circle to personal choice, achievement, and perspective: “Thus, when fields interact with their surroundings, only those things of ‘like’ makeup coalesce about, circle about, move inward, connect with, and affix to the originating center. The net result is to create a larger, halo-shaped creation about, and of similar composition to, the originating center. In other words, the developing creation is comprised of the same makeup and character as the originating center. The created indeed reflects the creator!

Thus, matter filled stars create matter filled solar systems, charged nucleons organize electrons into atoms, and greedy and selfish people create distorted and unhappy lives.”

The ideal reader of Centerlife and its guiding principles will be one interested in understanding more about what drives behaviors and choices. Readers interested in self-improvement based on scientific evidence about the interconnectedness of the universe will find the juxtaposition of the macrocosm of the universe and microcosm of individual experience is well done, clear, and inspiring.

Centerlife isn’t so much a philosophy or a spiritual bent as a journey. Centerlife offers the connections and keys essential to embarking on this path of not only understanding, but self-appraisal and change.

The book is very highly recommended for new age, self-help, spirituality, and psychology readers alike; especially those looking to forge new connections and positive pathways in life.

Centerlife Book Review (by

Jin Nua

Centerpath Books Publishing

