What is Philosophy?

Today a subscriber asked me to define philosophy. A great but very tough question. I was stumped at first.

But after a several dumbfounded moments it became clear—at least to me–philosophy is the art/practice of asking “why” (i.e. trying to understand why things are the way they are).

Checking the Oxford Dictionary Definition (which is “the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence”) I knew my interpretation was largely on the right track.

Long live the art of philosophy—the wondering, awe, and questioning of all things.

The Speed of Scent

Sitting on back packers street in Ho Chi Minh city taking in the sites, sounds, and smells; the strong scent of dried squid of a passing hawker inspired me to come up with a poem of sorts. It goes something like this;

Like sound and light to hearing and sight, at the speed of air so scent makes its mighty flight.

A Single Solution to Life

A million opinions on how to live life but none are full or complete.

One can spend their whole life investigating the various ideas which, while always providing some insights, all miss the essential point—-there is in fact a single, reliable roadmap to life.

What is this pathway? What is the secret? It’s simple—-follow your heart!

Amplified – Want to Feel Elevated?

I’ve stood upon my mountaintop
and shouted at the sky
walked above the pavement
with my sense amplified

– I get this feeling

-Neil Peart (“Scars” from Presto)

What does it feel like to “walk above the pavement with one’s senses amplified”—i.e. to be keenly aware of the moment? Jin’s following passage goes a long way in describing this experience.

The frozen intensity. Nature’s inescapable beauty radiates a warmth to my face. A wave of wonder engulfs me and the moment.


The volume is sky high. Did I just melt into the surroundings? Losing sight of the horizontal surface below, like slotting effortlessly through a canyon.


The whites and yellows are too intense to view directly. The purples so deep; like a void, a passageway to another world. Does anyone see?


The glistening mosaics of a billion shades of green, gray, and mauve. Where do they start? Where do they end?


Is anybody watching? Am I too absorbed in these works of art and beauty? Some might think I’ve lost it?


I turn up the music. Passages open and the moment balloons out over the surrounding area, then the park, and then the whole city.


I stop to watch raindrops on the pond. In the light rain, drops transform into circles across the surface. They each look like little antennae; each a transmitter, forming and fading.


Under the tree, drops fall from the branches in irregular sizes. Like thoughts in my mind, many are small, some bigger, some combine; is my thought somewhere on the surface of the pond?


Walking back to the city, through a pink-purple-yellow tapestry; the rain off the car tires sounds like passing waves. Static, climatic buzzes. I suddenly lose my footing, am I still on the ground? In a trance, mesmerized, I pause then continue.


Back in the city, I feel like a stranger. Sounds, haze, reflective lights fascinate me like a child. I can’t help but see everything I can.


Every moment waxing; intense, new, the first; I go to the next moment. Time seems expansive. I feel expansive. Everything expands.

Why Are We Here?

“Why are we here? Because we’re here…Roll the Bones”–Neil Peart

Some one asked me “Is there any purpose to our lives? Is there a reason we’re here? ”

I could only reply, “nobody knows for sure but even without knowing, simply having the opportunity to experience this miraculous state of being removes any worries or doubts as to if its worth it.

Life, nature, beauty, food, pleasure, wonder, music, love, children, memories, knowing, sweet emotion, etc. etc.–makes it all exceedingly worthwhile and meaningful.

Roll the bones indeed!

Defining Humanity

Woman define humanity. It can’t get any more essential–and wonderfully empowering than that.

Indeed it’s mothers and wives that define what is important to sons, husbands, and daughters…

If women speak out that nature, compassion, and living in balance are important; humanity will follow.

If they instead hold career, getting ahead, and gaining more stuff than others as most important; so goes humanity.

Thus the first step towards implementing real and lasting change must be taken by women. They again recognizing the divine significance of the principle that’s there’s exclusively–and largely dismiss as valuable today, even by themselves–femininity.

The real, right, divine, and enduring super power bringing balance to all things.

The essential quality woefully lacking in modern humanity–and one only woman can bring back to the forefront through their words, actions, preaching’s, and deeds.

Cells of Society

Like cells to an organ, ants to a hive, and stars to a galaxy; we as individuals form the necessary, worker bee ‘components’ of the larger organism that is society.

Constructing its structures–its roads, buildings, desks, and bottles of wine; what we create, while exceedingly complex, serves the same function as nature’s other creations–fulfilling a need of a larger organism–in our case–the flock human.

Welcome to My New Blog!

Welcome to my new Blog!

Its goals are simple and profound.

The first order of business is essential—to expand the scope of thought on a variety of issues. Ideas related to human nature, the mind, creation, man’s connection with nature, the human condition, etc. are key elements of this project.

The second goal is to spread an inspiring message of hope and truth. Society is in disarray. People are looking for something right and real to believe in.

Rooted in nature’s wisdoms—and how that wisdom relates to our lives, Centerpath provides the perfect pathway for society to regain its composure. To heal our hearts—both as individuals and collectively, freeing us to ascend to higher planes of reason and experience.

Thanks and welcome aboard!
