Launch of My Revamped CenterLife Site!

Team Centerpath! I’m happy to announce my third on-line course “Centerlife – Seven Paths to Happiness” has been completed! A simple and effective way to create a great life by, you guessed it, simply enhancing the prime 7 centers of your life! Check it out for free at: https://www.udemy.com/…/centerlife-seven-paths-to…/…
If prompted, use this code: FREE7PATHSTOHAPPY
Learn more about Centerpath, Centerlife, and i-Citizen (and how they are interrelated) in this great Introductory Video.
A modern day equivalent to the Eastern thought systems of Zen, Taoism, and Confucianism; the combined systems of Centerpath, Centerlife, and i-Citizen form the necessary framework to guide our thoughts, model our lives, and govern our societies.
The cornerstone of Centerlife is Seven Pillars, a life practice based on nature’s harmony-generating wisdom. Use each of the Seven Pillars to strengthen and enhance the prime centers of your life and thereby improve and uplift your overall life.
Jin hosted a Centerpath seminar last Saturday at Aquarius Books in Kansas City Missouri.
A fantastic crowd of spiritual souls joined in a delightful discussion on how nature raises order and harmony—and how we can put her wisdom to work in our lives.
Thanks to Barbara for the great arrangements and to the crowd for their spirited engagement!
So many valiant attempts to save the world and our souls. Doctrines, ideas, manifestos, and heartfelt attempts–all ultimately well-intended but none have fully succeeded.
The reasons are many and therein lies the roots of their failure. They glossed over the simple truth there are higher order things in the universe–and they all spring from nature herself.
Balance, symmetry, purity, holism, and collaborative relationships; are the features of nature. As we derive from nature our disposition is the same–we seek higher planes being. It’s just that we’ve been ‘ruined’ by parts of our psyche that seek to gain advantage without consideration for anything else. In this condition we are bound for failure as greed, selfishness, winning, pride, and ignorance take hold and we increasingly become lost at sea.
i-Citizen seeks to reverse today’s red tide by simply instilling goodness, truth, balance, and holism, and collaborative relations back into the heart and soul of men and the its institutions. Redeeming our souls, and simultaneously saving the planet, one beautiful act at a time.
I-citizen declares war on ignorance, greed, and destructiveness.
What is i-citizen’s secret weapon? Our hearts and minds!
Our soldiers? Today’s youth, whom having inherited a plundered planet, will fight valiantly against the entrenched selfishness and short sightedness of a lost generation.
Our lieutenants? Parents and teachers! Tasked with imparting sensibility, holistic thinking, and responsibility in our children.
With our sustained assault, we can eradicate the terrible effects of an era gone awry. Enlist today and begin contributing to a better world!