New Kid’s Book – Raindrops
I’m excited to announce the completion of my second children’s book entitled “Raindrops”!
Raindrops is fun and unique. It examines the parallels between the human life cycle and the atmosphere’s water-vapor cycle.
Set against the backdrop of flowing down the river of life, Raindrops examines the changes, delights, and challenges we experience as we traverse life’s wonderful journey.
Like my other kid’s book “A Walk on the Beach”, you can view excerpts of Raindrops at this following link.
Fun stuff!
Find Meaning…Through the Heart of All Things
Everything does have a center—atoms, cells, sentences, societies, and solar systems.
Dialogue with the Universe – How to be Happy
Be happy!
Follow Your Heart!
Listen to your inner voice, it has all the wisdom you’ll ever need.
Stop thinking you know everything!
Have faith in your natural intuition versus simply accepting society’s definition of what is important and right.
Slow your life. Walk in nature. Surround yourself with high art. Reflect more.
Get away from your television and I-device. Don’t believe in what you’ve been told. Accept that you don’t know everything and need to open your mind to other possibilities.
Write out your new direction (by hand) on a piece of paper.
Sit down at a table. Get a piece of paper and a pen. Write.
Say to yourself you will make and take the time today.
Read this message again and again until you take action—and take the first step toward being happy.
Time Stand Still
Unconditional Love
The greatest journey you could ever hope to undertake in this wonderful lifetime is along a path little travelled. It’s not a journey in the sense most expect. It is not the ascension of a mountain or an overseas adventure. But it’s one that can take you to any place you’ve imagined or dreamed about—and possibly deliver you to your destiny.
In fact, the greatest journey any of us can hope to traverse is not to a place on the outside—but instead inward toward your heart and toward rediscovering what it wants.
For in a universe that only wants to create more beauty and harmony—and appears to reward those things of the purest intent—rediscovering what your heart wants and following its true love can bring with it untold delights and treasures, and uncover your reason for being here.
For as you see, love is the purest of all emotions and in its true expression is unconditional. It accepts things as they are and does not try to push things about or unduly change them. Pure love does not distort things.
Why Are We Here?
“Why are we here? Because we’re here…Roll the Bones”–Neil Peart
Some one asked me “Is there any purpose to our lives? Is there a reason we’re here? ”
I could only reply, “nobody knows for sure but even without knowing, simply having the opportunity to experience this miraculous state of being removes any worries or doubts as to if its worth it.
Life, nature, beauty, food, pleasure, wonder, music, love, children, memories, knowing, sweet emotion, etc. etc.–makes it all exceedingly worthwhile and meaningful.
Roll the bones indeed!
Gatekeepers of Humanity
Woman have a corner on life’s greatest pleasures (food, children, beauty, fashion, grace, human connection etc.). They are truly the gate keepers of humanity.
Thank goodness! Could you imagine what men would do with these precious commodities if they controlled them?!
First they would exploit them, than fight over them, and then destroy them!
Thank goodness woman were granted this divine power.
Sometimes Things Come Together..
Elevator talk explains a lot.
Today (on an elevator) someone said; “sometimes everything comes together” (in the sense of an evenings plans).
I couldn’t help but think to myself ‘thank goodness everything in my body comes together every moment and continuously!’
Think about it–atoms, molecules, amino acids, proteins, DNA, cells, tissues, organs etc. ‘come together’ continuously and without interruption (and on myriad scales) allowing us to experience the delightfulness of being.
Yes–thank goodness when everything comes together!
Welcome to My New Blog!
Welcome to my new Blog!
Its goals are simple and profound.
The first order of business is essential—to expand the scope of thought on a variety of issues. Ideas related to human nature, the mind, creation, man’s connection with nature, the human condition, etc. are key elements of this project.
The second goal is to spread an inspiring message of hope and truth. Society is in disarray. People are looking for something right and real to believe in.
Rooted in nature’s wisdoms—and how that wisdom relates to our lives, Centerpath provides the perfect pathway for society to regain its composure. To heal our hearts—both as individuals and collectively, freeing us to ascend to higher planes of reason and experience.
Thanks and welcome aboard!