Who doesn’t love crystals? Their power and allure are irresistible. Spiritual seekers use them to invoke the hidden forces of the universe. Fashion goers use jewelry as the ultimate expression of beauty. And we all remember the thrill of breaking open our first rock and finding the sparkling, crystal treasure at its core. From a […]
Author: Jin Nua
Although society places a large premium on high tech gadgets over art, I firmly believe art remains the highest form of human expression. Viewing one Van Gogh is all I need to remind myself of this. Thus, it was refreshing to find this belief actually supported by hard economic facts! You see, […]
Happy Female Principal Day
Happy Mothers Day to all moms—past, present, and future! Thanks for everything you do! Thanks for being patient, sharing, accepting, loving, and for being supportive. Thanks for sharing all of life’s pleasures unselfishly and abundantly—food, children, home, beauty, fashion, and grace. Thanks for being the center of society—for being the glue that holds families and […]
A Rose From Any Other Planet Would Smell as Sweet
“A rose from any other planet would smell as sweet”* Nature and her marvels never cease to amaze! In this instance a bouquet of storms on Jupiter imitating earthly roses! * – Paraphrased from Shakespeare’s quote in Romeo and Juliet; “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”
3rd Kid’s Book Complete!
I’m pleased to announce the completion of my 3rd children’s book entitled Behind the Door! Behind the Door shows kid’s how to build courage when faced with new challenges. Set to the backdrop of learning to ride a bicycle, Behind the Door shows how new experiences, while challenging always lead to something fun and lead […]
The Heart of the Bible
THE HEART OF THE BIBLE A key message of Centerpath is all things have a center—atoms, cells, solar systems, societies, and apparently the Bible. Check out the following wonderful facts related to the structure of the bible and one of its central themes. —————————————————- The Center Psalm – Psalm 118 When measured […]
Walk with Jin to the Heart of Centerpath!
Join Jin on the very walk he discovered Centerpath! A fun VDO full of beautiful images and deep truths! Click here to check it out!
What in the universe is not beautiful?
I guess the only remaining question is–“what in the universe is not beautiful?”
Centerpath 101 – Centers Unite Larger Things
As Centerpath teaches, an essential function of centers is to unite hosts of ‘things’ into larger, cohesive organizations. This phenomenon is especially evident in large-scale human groupings where a single, central symbol can serve to unite 100’s of millions of people. Nowhere is this more apparent than at the entrance to the Forbidden City at […]
Reconnect with your Inner Core…Thru Centerpath
Learn how thru recognizing nature’s centers, you can reconnect with your true self…and possibly obtain higher awareness. Click here to find out more!