Team Centerpath! I’m happy to announce my third on-line course “Centerlife – Seven Paths to Happiness” has been completed! A simple and effective way to create a great life by, you guessed it, simply enhancing the prime 7 centers of your life! Check it out for free at:…/centerlife-seven-paths-to…/… If prompted, use this code: FREE7PATHSTOHAPPY
Author: Jin Nua
Wellpath Mantra (The First of ‘The Seven Paths’)
Check out this cool video from my upcoming course entitled ‘Centerlife – Seven Paths to Happiness’. The video reminds the importance of keeping our core center strong–i.e. our physical center! Practice this mantra at least once a week and watch your health and wellness soar!
Why We Like Math
Why does everyone like math? It’s simple. It’s because we can trust in math. Math is truthful, consistent, dependable, and always providing the same result. The precise qualities we strive for on a personal level and seek out in others. Math also reflects the inherent harmony of the universe. Through math we can plainly see […]
International Conference on Spirituality and Psychology
I was lucky to speak at the 7th Annual International Conference on Spirituality and Psychology on a subject that inspired me over 15 years ago! You can watch the video here. Fun stuff! I also participated in a panel discussion entitled ‘Forging Creativity and Changemaking Through Spiritual and Psychological Practice’. Some great and insightful discussion […]
New Technical Paper by Jin!
The cycle of returning things to their source permeates the universe. It’s the phenomenon that drives salmon to migrate to their original spawning ground, dying stars to collapse back to their originating gravitational center, and why we’re all inexplicably drawn to be buried in our hometowns. Applying this essential function to how the mind […]
Centerpath, Centerlife, and i-Citizen
Learn more about Centerpath, Centerlife, and i-Citizen (and how they are interrelated) in this great Introductory Video.
Centerpath Summed Up in One Sentence!
Joseph Campbell December 10 at 12:00 AM · From A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living Photography by Tyler Lapkin…/titles/a-joseph-campbell-companion/
The Law of Desire: Create Like the Universe to Get What You Want
Some cool news–I just published my second on-line course. It’s entitled “The Law of Desire: Create Like the Universe to Get What You Want”. With all the self-help systems available, it was time to tailor Centerpath’s concept to a system people can use to find their true passion and acquire what they desire—all in […]
Jin’s New On-line Course
Hi Everyone! Some fun news–I just published my first Udemy on-line course entitled “Building a Deeper Spirituality Through Nature”. Because the course is brand new, it’s FREE for the next 3 days. Follow these steps to check it out! 1. Click on this link and enrol in the course by Saturday morning at 11 a.m. […]
Following on from my Haden Institute Presentation (entitled ‘Building A Deeper Spirituality Through Nature’), I developed a set of worksheets to further advance the goals of the lecture. So, print out the forms in the link below, get into nature, and use nature’s language to progressively get closer to her, increase your spirituality, and build […]