To start the new year, a quick reminder of just how important beginnings are. Remember all things return to their source so start all things right! Please enjoy the following excerpt from my book Heart of Gold. It’s a thick/dense read but worth the effort! I hope it helps you to raise your experience in […]
Author: Jin Nua
Feeling Grateful to a Great Universe
We should feel grateful. Thankful for the order, harmony, and beauty streaming throughout the universe! In the brilliant radiance of flowers, rainbows and sunsets, sparkling glaciers, temples, and infinite stars on a moonless night. In all the billions of miracles occurring simultaneously in our bodies every moment. In crystals, a mother’s patience, […]
The Magic of Now
The power of ‘Now’ is limitless! See my book “Seven Paths to Power” to discover the magic of ‘Now’—-and how you can use it to create a fuller and happier life!
Be the Universe!
How should we live our lives? Simply emulate the great ‘way’ of the universe—she provides all the fantastic balance, beauty, and harmony streaming throughout nature. There is no better teacher! Check out this VDO to find out how!
Let Centerpath show you how to produce a masterpiece!
Wanderlust Interview
Check out my recent interview with Wanderlust Magazine at this link: Wanderlust did a great job capturing the essence of what Centerpath is about and where it’s headed!
Centerpath Seminar at Aquarius Books
Jin hosted a Centerpath seminar last Saturday at Aquarius Books in Kansas City Missouri. A fantastic crowd of spiritual souls joined in a delightful discussion on how nature raises order and harmony—and how we can put her wisdom to work in our lives. Thanks to Barbara for the great arrangements and to the crowd for […]
Centerpath Seminar in Kansas City
All, I’m pleased to announce my upcoming FREE seminar at Aquarius Book stores on Saturday, 21 October 2017 in Westport (downtown Kansas City, Missouri). The event starts at 11:00 a.m. and will run for approximately one hour. Light snacks will be served. For anyone looking to expand their knowledge, get closer to nature and the […]
New Centerpath Book…Seven Paths to Power!
I’m proud to announce the completion of the sixth book of my Centerpath Master Book Series! Seven Paths to Power is a major milestone in Centerpath. It takes the ideas of Heart of the Gold to the next level—showing how centers stich together all the aspects of our lives including its points of origin, the […]
How to Save the World? One Heart at a Time!
So many valiant attempts to save the world and our souls. Doctrines, ideas, manifestos, and heartfelt attempts–all ultimately well-intended but none have fully succeeded. The reasons are many and therein lies the roots of their failure. They glossed over the simple truth there are higher order things in the universe–and they all spring from nature herself. […]