Happy Female Principal Day

Happy Mothers Day to all moms—past, present, and future!

Thanks for everything you do!

Thanks for being patient, sharing, accepting, loving, and for being supportive.

Thanks for sharing all of life’s pleasures unselfishly and abundantly—food, children, home, beauty, fashion, and grace.

Thanks for being the center of society—for being the glue that holds families and society together.

Thanks for defining what’s important, real, and right.

Thanks for guiding my lost species (i.e. men) from cradle to grave. Without you to guide them, they would surely destroy one another and the planet.

Here’s to mom’s today and every day!

The Shape of the Core

Protons and neutrons are not what you think. They are not simple spherical ‘balls’ as most suspect.

Protons and nucleons are actually comprised of dense cloud of particles (both real and virtual) keyed to a deeply attractive, void-like center perpetuating the swarm as the following passage from Fritjof Capra’s book the Tao of Physics succinctly describes.

“nucleons are, in fact, emitting and absorbing virtual particles all the time. According to field theory, they have to be regarded as centers of continuous activity surrounded by clouds of virtual particles”

And though we tend to associate chaos with the term swarm, the relationships amongst subatomic particles is in fact highly organized and symmetrical. Known as Meson symmetry, the accompanying diagrams depicts the dualistically arranged almost fulcrum-like arrangement of particles about their center.







 It’s interesting to note the Meson Symmetry figure closely resembles Taoism’s I Ching symbol intended to represent the natural order of things which, incredibly enough was developed thousands of years before the tools of science were sophisticated enough to detect the minute details of subatomic particles!

Gatekeepers of Humanity

Woman have a corner on life’s greatest pleasures (food, children, beauty, fashion, grace, human connection etc.). They are truly the gate keepers of humanity.

Thank goodness! Could you imagine what men would do with these precious commodities if they controlled them?!

First they would exploit them, than fight over them, and then destroy them!

Thank goodness woman were granted this divine power.